Live 2d Rigging

Commission Notes

- you must have permission/license from the artist for me to rig your model/ art
-I ONLY do the rigging. Model art is NOT provided
-if you can, please send over a document listing all your toggles, and a full body png of your model (for ref)

Twitter: @raina_illune

How to Commission me

- Please dm me on twitter or email me filling out this form!

1) Rigging type:
2) Additions:
3) Contact of the model artist:
4) Is your model done? if not, give an estimate date:
5) Model PSD link: 
6) Deadline:
7) Can I put your model in my portfolio?:
8) Can I work on your model on stream/twitter wips:
9) Payment option (paypal, stripe, AU bank transfer)
10) any additional questions?

What's included for all rigs
- X, Y, Z Head Rigging (40° angle)
- X, Z Torso Rigging
-Leg Rigging (On Chibi & Full Body only)
- Eye Rigging
- AIUEO + Cheek Puff + MouthX + Tongue Out
- 4 free expressions
- 8 free toggles for removing clothing/hair/etc.
- physics
- Sleeping animation
- (if requested) a Stream/Loupedeck profile of every toggle your model provides you

Starting Prices
Chibi: Starts at $500 (includes Y leg angles/blending)
Half Body: $900
Full Body: $1200 (only rigging that will include YZ Leg Angles)

Add Ins (Starting Price)
- Leaning $125
- Advanced Lipsync $75
- Vbridger/Arkit $75
- Pre-Angled model $100
- Angle/pose switching $100
- Expressions $15 (+$10 to animate)
- Extra Outfits $100
- Extra Hairstyles $150

- Artificial Hair Colour Change $100
- Artificial Eye Colour Change $10
- Full body to chibi transformation: $250
- Wings $100
- Arms $25 per arm
- Animal Ears (Physics + emotions) $75 | (+50 for ear tilting)
- Tail (breathing, angle movements) $50 | (+100 for reactive tail)
- Full Body Animations $100 +
- Half Body Animations $50 +


Full Body + Leaning + Extra Hairstyle, Arms, 2 animations
Full body Rig + Leaning + Extra Outfit + Extra Hairstyle
Chibi Rig
Full Body+ Leaning + Vbridger + Extra Hairstyles, Extra Arms, Pets
Half Body + Leaning + Extra Outfit
Full body Rig + Leaning + Full body Animation+ Arms
Full body + Leaning + advanced lipsync + ARkit + Extra Outfit + Extra Hairstyles + Arms + Animal Ears (+Tilt)+ Reactive Tail, Animated Expressions
Advanced Lipsync Sample